Thursday, February 03, 2011

Boardgames and Photography #1 Norencbec

Boardgames and Photography #1 Norencbec

I was thinking after the last post, there are lots of games that have interesting and colourful components, so why not do more posts about them. I can combine my two hobbies together and have some fun.

As I took some pictures of Norencbec the other day I carried on and took a few more.

Norencbec has the largest meeples I have seen in a game, and all on parade they make quite an interesting picture. Again  the ISO was 1600 and f5.6 at 1/30. The lens was the 18-55mm at 48mm.

There are six types of commodities in Norencbec, and they are represented by hefty wooden bits. From left to right, hats, cloth, cakes, boots, beer (mmmmmm beer!!) and sheets of paper. Makes owning the game a must just for the beer meeples lol!!
Taken at ISO1600, f5.0, 1/30 and the lens at 34mm. Didn't like this picture as much, but it's not too bad.
Norencbec is a decent game as well, plays well with just two which is a plus for me.

Norencbec is published by White Goblin Games ( and designed by Andreas Steding. It was released at Essen 2010.

Look out for the next post which will be Hameln by Fragor Games.


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you thought about getting / using a fast prime for these photos? A fast 30mm or 50mm would allow you to drop the ISO and bump up shutter speed. Can also have a lot more fun with depth of field.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Colin said...

Thanks for your comment Chris. I am rather doing my photography hobby on a budget and even getting what equipment I have was a big outlay. Not having any income only my pension! I am sure what you say is correct, but I will have to make the best of what I have.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely understand. But when you *do* decide to take that leap, a 50mm f/1.8 can be had for about US $118. Probably in the US $50-$75 range if you buy used.


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